Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Position Statement

Light pollution is not an issue that is well covered in the mainstream of environmental issues. It would seem that there is an order of importance when discussing environmental issues. This should not be the case. Light pollution is an issue that directly effects many other more well known issues. It has direct links to energy waste and thus is a participator in the energy crisis throughout the world. It also has direct links to wildlife and human health and thus has the potential to seriously effect our environment. So why is light pollution in the background while issues like global warming and water pollution are in the forefront? I propose that light pollution is an issue with many easily applicable remedies. It is an issue that is not the topic of the majority's discussion and this may be a direct cause of the fact that we, as a species, are unwilling to conceive of a world that does not use light in the same way it is being used now. People are uneducated to the effects and the severity of light pollution. With awareness, everyday people can begin to understand what light pollution is and with some simple solutions light pollution can be managed. This is not a topic for scientists with telescopes, it is a topic for every person on the planet.

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